Sometimes we need inspiration, so we pick up our laptops and travel to another state, country or PARADISE.

two teak chairs between palm trees at a perfect beach in the Virgin Islands
Two teak chairs between palm trees at a perfect beach in the Virgin Islands By

Talk about relaxation…

Okay, okay so we don’t actually get to travel per se… but we do turn on some music INSPIRATION FROM ODESZA, her latest album ‘In Return’ then imagine that we’re in paradise!

Running a business in Party Rentals in Atlanta,GA  means were always doing just that… RUNNING. From routing orders, placing orders, delivering orders, planning events parties, assessing inventory, ordering inventory, making sure every order is completely prepared, and blogging when we get a little extra time. We get crazy and jumbled.

Our solution is music, and we use it  to bump up productivity while working.

Check out how music actually affects us “scientifically” and some music from Odesza to get you through your day:


Here’s the most interesting fact we found from The Music and Brain blog:

“2. Ambient noise can improve creativity

We all like to pump up the tunes when we’re powering through our to-do lists, right? But when it comes to creative work, loud music may not be the best option.

It turns out that moderate noise level is the sweet spot for creativity. Even more than low noise levels, ambient noise apparently gets our creative juices flowing, and doesn’t put us off the way high levels of noise do.

The way this works is that moderate noise levels increase processing difficulty which promotes abstract processing, leading to higher creativity. In other words, when we struggle (just enough) to process things as we normally would, we resort to more creative approaches.

In high noise levels, however, our creative thinking is impaired because we’re overwhelmed and struggle to process information efficiently.

This is very similar to how temperature and lighting can affect our productivity, where paradoxically a slightly more crowded place can be beneficial.”

So, that’s why were so magically creative!

-Luxe Team.


Categories : Event Rental Blog

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